
The QEP will achieve its central purpose of enriching experiential learning by meeting three interrelated goals that involve expanding educational opportunities, deepening relationships with community partners, and enhancing the quality of instruction.

Goal One

Broaden participation and enhance capacity for experiential education opportunities that require engagement with communities external to the university.

Though Emory currently provides many experiential education opportunities for its undergraduate students, Connect-Integrate-Reflect will increase the number of students who participate in those opportunities and  make those opportunities as impactful as possible.

Goal Two

Develop, deepen, and sustain mutually beneficial collaborations between Emory University and external stakeholders.

Emory needs to ensure that it has numerous quality partnerships with external stakeholders to provide the experiences we expect students to have. This takes a concerted effort; we cannot assume that dedicated partners will just emerge or even that existing partnerships are currently mutually beneficial. These relationships must be cultivated, trained, and appreciated.

Goal Three

Prepare faculty and staff to create and facilitate high-impact experiential learning opportunities.

Professional development opportunities will promote the ability of our faculty and staff to create, enhance, and execute a wide range of community-engaged learning, education abroad, and internship programs. In our approach to these training opportunities, we will bolster the abilities of individual practitioners and strengthen mutual understanding and functional collaboration between faculty and staff.
